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Our Compete class is exactly that, a class for athletes to compete amongst one another, or with each other. Compete is not for the elite and it isn’t angled at that. It is designed to give members the opportunity to take part in a class format that is focused on what they’ll find in CrossFit Sport competitions. This class will give members a taste for what they need to do to reach the next level in their training. From standards to expectations.


Our Coaches have all competed at a national level and have both experience and knowledge of what it takes to compete and be victorious amongst an arena environment.


* Wednesday's 6:30pm

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Team UP! Our fun, all-inclusive class format that focuses on bringing all members together for a team focused, non-technical blast of a workout.


Expect to get sweaty, laugh and work your way through an endurance style workout that brings friends together. 




*Every Saturday morning 

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Our Gymnastics class is a class that takes your foundational skills to the next level, increasing from Pull-ups, Toes to Bar, and Handstand Push-ups, to the more challenging movements such as Muscle ups, Handstand Walking and Pistol Squatting. 


Though this class is not for beginners it is welcoming and supportive. The Coaches programming will help develop your all-ready existing skills and prepare you for the more volume-orientated workouts. 

Our Beginners class is designed 

to introduce or better develop the skills and movements CrossFit offers.


Aiming to build confidence with they gymnastics and weightlifting moves, as well as developing fitness levels 


*Wednedsay's 7:30pm


CrossFit Programme

The intention of the DeltaFox CrossFit programme is to create fully functional athletes. It has an all-rounder emphasis and is completely developmental with the option to scale up or down to suit all member types. We focus on conditioning, strength, speed and skill with a combination of weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio work.


* Suitable for all member types including beginners


* 5 times per week



CrossFit Endurance

The DeltaFox CrossFit Endurance class is intended for athletes who want a great all-round conditioning blast. This class is not skills based and isn’t designed to be heavy. It’s perfect for athletes who love cardio. If you’re willing to work hard, you’ll enjoy this class.


* Suitable for all member types including beginners


* Low skill and lighter loads


* Every Thursday 

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